Not book reviews, just a ranking of my personal favorite books from this year with links and a line or two of commentary. Found some all-time favorites this year.
Honorable mention:
End of Eternity - Azimov
Poems of Emily Dickensen
6 Easy Pieces - Feinman
TOP 10:
10. A confession - Tolstoy

9. Keep the Aspidistra Flying - Orwell.

8. George Orwell Essays - Shooting Elephant, Dickens

7. Poems of Alexander Blok

6. Tropic of Cancer - Henry Miller

5. The Death of Ivan Illitch - Tolstoy

4. The Castle - Kafka

3. Fathers and Sons - Turgenev

2. Eternal Husband - Fydo

1. Eugene Onegin - Pushkin

Same time next year. Farewell, -Brewer